• Galala University, Egypt


Getting Started With CLion: Installation And Free University License

Are you a student looking for a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to supercharge your coding journey? Look no further! In this video tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of installing CLion, a top-tier IDE for C and C++ development, and show you how to acquire a free license using your university account. Let's get started!


Celebrating GU's CSE at ECPC 2023

In the diverse world of computer science and engineering, our students at GU have truly stood out. We are delighted to celebrate their remarkable accomplishments at the "Annual International Competition for Programming (ECPC) 2023." This competition is a significant event in the tech realm, focusing on smart problem-solving, innovation, and collaborative spirit. Our students have excelled in a unique way, and we are eager to share their outstanding achievements with you.


Celebrating Our GU Freshmen's Success at ECPC 2022

In the world of tech, where innovation and problem-solving are key, computer science and engineering students play a crucial role. They shape our digital future, and their skills are constantly put to the test. The Annual International Competition for Programming (ICPC) is one such platform that challenges these students. In 2022, three of our first-year students from GU (Galala University) - Marwan, Sama, and Ali - not only took part but also reached the finals, showcasing their talents on a global scale. In this article, we celebrate their impressive achievement and explore what makes ICPC a significant event for budding programmers.